When visiting the Babytheek - Spelotheek, be sure to plan some extra time to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in our cozy playroom!

Already a member? Follow these steps to reserve make an appointment and pick up your items.     1) submit a RESERVATION for the items you wish to borrow.    2) make an APPOINTMENT    3) PICK UP the items you have reserved (a reservation will expire if there is no appointment made with 5 days of your reservation date)

We zijn altijd op zoek naar herbruikbare zwangerschaps- en babyartikelen van goede kwaliteit om te kunnen toevoegen aan onze babytheek. Sommige items zijn urgenter dan andere, maar alles is welkom!

Report mistakes in the Babytheek-Spelotheek Catalog

Please use this form to report a problem with the function of this website or to provide feedback about the content of the Babytheek Gent Catalog. 

If you are reporting a problem relating to a specific artikel listing please include the product number in your message.

If you would like to report an incidence or occurrence that happened during a visit to Gentse Spruiten and/or Babytheek Gent, please send an e-mail to info@gentsespruiten.com